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Nima Software

We are a fresh and dynamic IT company from Iasi, Romania. Young and dedicated to our work, Nima Software can be the solution for your personal idea or for your work project. From zero to functional product Our engineers can help you to develop your project from idea to functional product in 3 - 6 months. Our team will plan, develop, manage and test your product in order to offer you a live and working project. We will use the most modern industry standards and best practices available.   We bring expertise to engineering Distributed architecture, open source technology, testing and cloud-based hosting are just a few of the things baked into every project. We are a team of project managers, business analysts, developers, designers and QA engineers ready to “work Agile” for your project. Our Work Cargo Planning is a logistic platform (SaaS) that connects the biggest manufacturing companies with the shippers through fast and secure public sales. This online IT tool for transport processes can help people from Logistics Departments to streamline their  work and get better results. LogiSoft in an ERP system dedicated to freight forwarders. Through this IT instrument you can effectively manage the whole activity of a shipping company, from customer Let’s get in touch Contact us to discuss about your project. We can help you with a cost estimation and a honest advice about your idea: [email protected].